My Biggest Red Pill

The biggest red pill I've swallowed recently:

Thinking Cost.

Let me explain…

The Human Brain Paradox:

1. Your brain is a supercomputer

2. Your brain can only have 1 thought at a time

Thinking Cost:

When you're thinking about something -- there are billions of other thoughts you could've had.

Every thought has an Opportunity Cost.

This is why toxic and dramatic people are so dangerous -- they eat your supercomputers RAM.

Drama and toxicity clog your supercomputer up with negative 1x thoughts.

In the shower. On a walk. With your kids.

1. This is terrible for your health

2. The biggest cost is the other thoughts you could be having instead

When your supercomputer is busy with 1x thoughts -- it can't run 10x thoughts like these:

"How long do I have left with my parents?"

"What career would make me happy?"

"Should I get that mole checked by a doctor?"

"Do I have a skill set that will be useful 5 years from now?"


Try to have 2 thoughts at once.

Unless you have a brain like Nikola Tesla - it's impossible.

You have a supercomputer - but it can only run one program at a time.

"Work destroys your soul by stealthily invading your brain during the hours not officially spent working; be selective about professions.” - @nntaleb

The same is true of toxic people and trivial nonsense.

The thinking cost is so damn high.

You need defence and offence.

1. Defence

Avoid people that cause 1x thoughts in your head

Spend time with people that add 10x thoughts to your head

"Relentlessly prune bullshit" - @paulg

"The 1st rule of handling conflict is don't hang around with people who are constantly engaging in conflict." -

2. Offence

This is a technique I developed called the Judo Throw.

In Judo, you use the other person's momentum against them.

Whenever you catch yourself in a 1x thought loop, ask yourself:

"What is the 10x thought loop I'm missing out on right now?"

The beauty of the Judo Throw is you've turned Shit into Sugar.

You use 1x thought loops momentum to create 10x thought loops.

Whenever you catch yourself in a 1x thought loop -- you then immediately start pondering:

"What is the 10x thought I'm missing out on right now?"

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